



PTE or OET, Which Will Catapult Your Career to Success?

Many health professionals are confused about whether they should take PTE or OET for immigration and/or employment purposes, so we’ve provided some facts about which test may be right for their situation. 

PTE or OET: Why you should take the OET instead of the PTE

Medical Vocabulary

The main reason doctors, nurses and other medical professionals take the OET instead of the PTE is because they feel more comfortable with the vocabulary associated with their profession. For example, in the OET writing sub-test, you must write a letter using vocabulary that you are familiar with. You will not be faced with a question prompt about ‘spaceships’ or ‘global warming’. The same goes for reading and listening: The words you hear will be medical words in a context that will be familiar to you.

Professional Development

The other big reason why doctors, nurses and other medical professionals choose OET over other tests is that they feel it relates to their professional development. The tasks that you do in the OET mirror the workplace environment. Listening to consultation and taking notes in the listening sub-test, for example, is one such real-life task. Writing a discharge letter is another. The test can prepare you for your upcoming job in the hospital or clinic whereas the PTE will not really apply.

PTE or OET: Why you should take the PTE instead of the OET

The cost of the PTE is substantially less than the OET, so if money is an issue then PTE might be a better option.

You get your results faster

The results of the PTE are released within 2-3 days of taking the test, so if time is an issue for you then the PTE might be a better option.

It has more tasks

Why would more tasks be a better thing? Wouldn’t that make it a worse test to take? Well… it depends on your attitude towards taking the test. If you see the PTE or OET as a barrier that you have to get through then it doesn’t really matter what you have to do, but if you see these tests as an opportunity to improve your spoken, written and comprehension of English then the PTE is arguably a more ‘rounded’ English test.

It’s fully computer-delivered

It tests more aspects of your language and as such gives you more opportunities to improve your English. For example, in the reading section of the PTE, there are five different tasks, each of which tests a different aspect of reading and vocabulary. Preparing for the PTE, then, gives you a better insight into the English language.

I’m not sure about you, but I can’t write with a pencil anymore. Years of typing on a keyboard has rendered my handwriting skills redundant. While I haven’t taken the OET, I have taken the PTE and the IELTS. Typing, for me, is far easier than writing by hand.

PTE preparation material is more abundant

One of the problems with the OET is that the preparation materials are extraordinarily difficult to create. As such, there are very few ‘sub-tests’ on the internet to practice with, and usually what you find is sub-standard. Unikcolors Media Institute is different in that our preparation materials are top quality. However, if you need HEAPS of practice materials because your English is low, then you should opt for the PTE because we have more practice materials. On the other hand, if your English is already very good, then you should consider doing the OET because you don’t need that much practice.

PTE or OET: What should I do now?

If you need to become a registered nurse or practice medicine in Australia, for example, and you need to pass the OET or another test like the PTE then you should start your preparation immediately. Don’t underestimate how challenging these tests are. We’ve had candidates who have completed a four-year nursing degree  – who have written essays and done workplace practice – yet fail the OET several times because they did not prepare adequately. This is the final step before you land your dream job – don’t let this test stop you.

Do you still feel like you need some expert advice about whether you should take PTE or OET? Contact us and one of our knowledgeable tutors can help you make your decision and select the PTE or OET preparation course that best suits your needs!

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2025-01-03 13:44:08
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