



How to Prepare for The PTE Exam?

Just imagine, you have registered for the PTE-A exam and prepared for it all by yourselves with the random practice materials that you have found over the internet.
And, on top of it, guess what?

You cleared the PTE-A exam with your desired PTE score.

The story is RAVISHING but not REALISTIC. You cannot take your PTE exam preparation in 2025 for granted.

The reality is far from being this delightful. Most of the PTE test-takers find it really hard to find the right practice materials. Instead, preparing with the random practice materials leaves them confused. And there comes the one those who doesn’t know what they should exactly prepare for? They end up wasting most of their preparation time doing this.

Stand out. For PTE-A exam preparation in 2025, you must begin with knowing the PTE-A Exam format and what are the tips that can help you score better.

And then you should get answers to these questions before you start your preparation:

  • What is your Targeted PTE Score?
  • What are your current strengths?
  • What are your Weaknesses?


PTE EXAM FORMAT and section-wise skills you need to improve:

With the introduction of the new PTE-A Exam test format (2-hour exam), the number of questions in the 20 tasks is reduced.


PTE Speaking & Writing Section (54-67 minutes) – (77-93 minutes: old format)

This is the first section that you face in the PTE-A exam; it consists of 7 Questions.

0. Personal Introduction: You get a prompt to prepare for 25 seconds and you get 30 seconds to answer this question.

1. Read Aloud: You get 30-40 seconds to read the text of 60 words and prepare for it. You should speak after the tone.

2. Repeat sentence: You get to hear a prompt of 3-9 seconds and once you finish listening to the recording; you need to answer it within 15 seconds.

3. Describe Image: You get 25 seconds to prepare yourselves. Find as many details as you can. You have to complete your answer in 40 seconds.

4. Re-tell Lecture: You get 90 seconds to hear the prompt and prepare yourselves to re-tell the lecture in 40 seconds.

5. Answer Short Questions: You listen to a question and answer it in a single or a few words. The prompt length is 3-9 seconds. You need to answer these questions in 10 seconds.

6. Summarize Written Text: You need to read the text 0f 300 words and answer the questions in 10 minutes.

7. Essay Writing: You need to write an essay of 200-300 words in 20 minutes.


4 Skills you need to improve for a good score in the Speaking and Writing Section:


Grammatical skills are something that you’ll need throughout the PTE-A exam, but for the writing section, you cannot take chances with your grammatical skills. You cannot have sloppy grammar. You need to know all about the usage of the right article, preposition, tenses in a sentence.

You must also timely get the feedback and improve.



You need to have strong vocab if you need to score well in PTE, especially the Writing Section. Avoid using similar words again and again.



You need to improve the pronunciation of words with word & sentence stress. You do not have to fake the accents. Speak clearly.


Taking Notes

You need to focus and write down the keywords or take the important notes as you hear.


Reading Section (29-30 minutes) – (32-41 minutes: Old format)

You need to answer five tasks in this section.

1. Reading & Writing: Fill in the blanks – In this task, you will see a text 0f 300 words with blanks. You need to select the answer from the drop-down list.

2. Multiple Choice, Multiple answers: Here you need to read a passage of 300 words and answer the question from the multiple choices given. Remember, there is more than one correct answer.

3. Re-order Paragraphs: You need to arrange the text box in order to create a meaning passage of around 150 words.

4. Fill in the blanks: A text of upto 80 words will be given to you with multiple blanks; all you need to do is drag & drop the word that fits appropriately in the blank given.

5. Multiple Choice, Single Answer: After reading a passage of 300 words, you need to choose the right answer out of the given options.

Skills you need to improve for a good score in the Reading Section:


Reading Skills

You need to read every day to become more comfortable with the English Language. Moreover, it will help your skimming and scanning skills improve. It will become easy for you to read the passage in less time with a good understanding of the context and identifying the keywords, connecting words and more.



Vocab is important for all the sections, but for scoring good in the reading section you need to take it to the next level. You don’t only need to learn new words, but also know where and how to use them. For better preparation, learn a new word and use them in a sentence or two.


Listening section (30-43 minutes) – (45-57 minutes: Old format)

In the new PTE test format, you do not get the optional 10 minutes break before attempting the listening section. The listening section is the lengthiest of all, you need to answer 8 different task types in it.

1. Summarise Spoken test: You need to listen to a recording of a 50-70 words summary, which makes the prompt length 60-90 seconds. And overall, you can take 10 minutes to complete this task.

2. Multiple choice, multiple answers: You get to listen to a 40-90 second prompt, after which you need to select all the answers that you think can be correct.

3. Fill in the blanks: In this task, you will see a transcript on the screen with blanks. You need to listen to the prompt of 30-60 seconds and fill in the missing word.

4. Highlight Correct summary: You need to select the paragraph that summarizes the prompt of 30-90 seconds correctly.

5. Multiple choice, single answer: Only one of the given paragraphs will correctly summarize the recording of 30-90 seconds; select the right one out of the given options.

6. Select missing word: In this task, you will listen to a prompt of 20-70 seconds. You need to choose the missing word that has been replaced by a beep sound. You will get multiple options of which only one is correct.

7. Highlight incorrect words: You need to match the transcript to the recording you are listening to. Highlight the incorrect words in the transcript. The prompt length for this task is 15-50 seconds.

8. Write from dictation: With a prompt of 3-5 seconds, you need to write down the sentence exactly what you hear.

Skills you need to improve for a good score in the Listening Section:


Listening Skills

Improve your listening skills by listening to radio shows, podcasts, and, more. Do it every day.


Writing as you hear

You need to practice writing as you hear. It helps you improve concentration and also note important points.

Congratulations! You are already on level 2 of your PTE preparation. It’s the time you know answers to the three influential questions for a better PTE exam preparation: 


  • What is your Targeted PTE Score?
  • What are your current strengths?
  • What are your Weaknesses?

To know answers to all these questions & to clear the PTE-A exam the smartest way is to take PTE scored tests.

They will assess your skills as per the PTE standards and you get a detailed assessment of your strengths and the areas to improve on. Once you know where to improve, you can prepare a balanced study plan to improve those weak areas.


Moreover, the other thing that you need to know for smart PTE Preparation is the integrated tasks that contribute to the score of more than one communicative skill (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing).

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-12-30 14:32:21
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