In the PTE Reading Multiple Choice Multiple Answer task, you will be presented with a text passage and a set of questions with several answer choices. Your task is to read the passage carefully and choose the best answers (multiple means more than one, so either 2 or 3 answers) from the available options for each question.
Here are some tips to help you perform well in the PTE Reading Multiple Choice Multiple Answers task:
Before you start scanning, identify the specific information or keywords you need to find in the text. This will help you to focus your search and avoid wasting time.
Headings and subheadings can provide clues about the content of a text and help you to quickly locate relevant information. Scan these headings and subheadings to get an idea of the structure of the text.
Identify the keywords or phrases that are relevant to your search and scan the text for these words. Highlight or underline them as you find them.
When scanning, use your peripheral vision to take in a wider view of the text. This will help you to quickly locate keywords and phrases.
In the PTE Reading section, a keyword is a significant word or group of words that helps the reader locate the answer in the passage. These keywords are usually related to the question and are used to identify the specific section of the passage where the answer can be found.
For example, if the question asks about the cause of a particular event mentioned in the passage, the keywords could be “cause,” “reason,” or “trigger.” By identifying these keywords, the reader can quickly locate the relevant information in the passage and find the answer to the question.
By following these tips, you can improve your performance in the PTE Reading Multiple Choice task and achieve a better score.