




Is French hard or easy to learn? 8 top tips to make it easier


Bonjour, if your heart is set on the language of love, this article is for you!

Ever wondered if mastering French is as challenging as climbing the Eiffel Tower? Mmm, we don’t encourage that, unless you take the stairs!

From sipping café au lait in Parisian cafés to watching Amélie, learning French isn’t just a skill; it’s a ticket to a world of elegance, culture, and limitless opportunities. Shall I mention French cuisine?

We’re here to answer the age-old question: Is French hard to learn for English speakers? Spoiler alert: it’s easier than you think!

Woman learning French online with Berlitz.


So, is French hard to learn?

As a native francophone, “Is French difficult to learn?” is a question I get often. And my answer is usually something like this...

Seriously, the challenge of learning a new language often depends on various factors, particularly for native English speakers.

Factors that make a language hard to learn for English speakers

French learning can be a challenge due to the following differences with English:

  • Language structure
    Languages with vastly different sentence structures and grammar rules can be challenging. French, with its gendered nouns and complex verb conjugations, does present some hurdles.
  • Phonetics and pronunciation
    Languages with unique sounds and phonetic intricacies can be tough. French pronunciation can be a stumbling block due to its nasalized vowels and subtle differences in consonant sounds. But that’s what makes it fun, right?
  • Vocabulary differences
    Learning a language with little lexical similarity to English can be daunting.
  • Cultural gap
    Understanding cultural nuances and context is vital. French culture can be both a challenge and fascinating, depending on your perspective.

Finding a language difficult to learn or not depends a lot on… the learner

The difficulty of learning French, or any language actually, ultimately depends on your attitude, dedication, resistance to change, exposure and approach. Your motivation, consistent practice, and willingness to immerse yourself in the language and culture greatly influence your learning journey.

French isn’t among the hardest languages for English speakers

Ok, we’re not saying learning French is a piece of cake, or un jeu d’enfants. Unless you’re Jodie Foster. La classe.

Compared to languages with vastly different writing systems (like Mandarin or Arabic), tonal languages (like Thai), or complex grammatical structures (like Hungarian), French offers a relatively smooth transition for English speakers.

Moreover, the abundance of resources, supportive language communities, and its global importance in diplomacy and culture make learning French an achievable and rewarding endeavor.

French is one of the easier languages to learn for English speakers

So, French is not too hard to learn for English speakers. And we have even better news for you. French made it to our ranking of the 15 easiest languages to learn for English speakers!

Besides its many available resources and language communities, French is a phonetic language. Once you understand French phonetic rules, reading and pronouncing words correctly becomes more predictable.

Learning French online with Berlitz.


Similarities between French and English

French and English, despite their distinct histories and origins, share several similarities that make learning one language from the other somewhat easier.

Common origin

Both French and English are descendants of the same ancestral language, known as Proto-Indo-European. Over centuries, they evolved into distinct languages but retained some similarities in vocabulary and grammar.

Latin influence

French and English have been heavily influenced by Latin due to historical events and interactions. Many words in both languages have Latin origins, resulting in numerous cognates (words that have similar meanings and are derived from the same linguistic root).

When I studied in the US, my classmates were surprised at my high grades in English vocab!


Both languages have borrowed words from each other over the centuries. English, in particular, has borrowed a significant number of words and phrases from French, especially in areas related to art, cuisine, fashion, and law.

Similar sentence structure

While not identical, French and English often follow similar sentence structures. They both use subject-verb-object (SVO) order, which means the basic word order in sentences is the same, making it easier for learners to construct basic sentences.

Common alphabet

French and English share the same Latin alphabet, which consists of 26 letters. This means that English speakers do not have to learn a new script when studying French. Magnifique, n’est-ce pas ?

Grammatical features

Both languages have some common grammatical features, such as definite and indefinite articles, verb tenses, and pronouns. While there are differences, the basic framework is similar.

Global influence

French and English are global languages used in diplomacy, international relations, science, technology, and culture. This global presence means that speakers of one language often encounter words and phrases from the other language in various contexts.

10 reasons you might still find it hard to learn French

Still struggling with French learning? Below are a few possible reasons.

10 reasons you might find it hard to learn French.

Reason 1: Pronunciation challenges

As mentioned above, French has unique sounds and nasalized vowels that might be difficult for English speakers to pronounce or hear correctly.

Therefore, you might lose your motivation since you can’t interact with French speakers. Meanwhile, you can try body language!

Reason 2: Verb conjugations

French has intricate verb conjugations, involving different forms for each pronoun and tense, which can be overwhelming for beginners. I hear you, and I’m a native French speaker.

Reason 3: Gendered nouns

Ah, another nightmare for English speakers learning French. French nouns are either masculine or feminine, and the gender often needs to be memorized as it does not follow a strict rule, making sentence construction more complex.

Reason 4: Vocabulary differences

While French and English share many similarities, there are subtle differences in vocabulary that can lead to misunderstandings.

Reason 5: Idiomatic expressions

Like any language, French has numerous idiomatic expressions and phrases that might not translate directly, requiring deeper cultural understanding.

Reason 6: Spelling and homophones

French spelling can be tricky, and there are many homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings) that learners need to distinguish.

Reason 7: Formal vs. informal language

French, unlike English, has formal and informal ways of addressing people, and the choice between them can be subtle and context-dependent.

Reason 8: Cultural issues

French culture, including gestures, etiquette, and social norms, can be different from what English speakers are accustomed to, affecting communication.

Reason 9: Lack of immersion

Immersion in a language-speaking environment significantly enhances learning. If you lack opportunities to practice speaking and listening to French regularly, progress might be slower.

Reason 10: Lack of motivation

A lack of intrinsic motivation or a clear purpose for learning French can make the learning process seem harder. Passion and interest can significantly impact your dedication and progress, and this goes for anything you undertake.

How can you make learning French as fast and easy as possible?

While ultimately, you’re the only one who can “push” yourself, here are some suggestions to ease your French learning journey. You can also take a look at our tips to learn any language. Allez, au boulot !

Man asks question during his Berlitz French class.

Tip 1: Set clear goals

Define specific, achievable goals for your language learning journey. Whether it's traveling, conversing with native speakers, watching your favorite French show or reading French literature, clear objectives will keep you motivated.

Use imagery. Picture yourself achieving your dream of visiting the Louvre, or conversing with someone in Montréal. How does it feel?

Tip 2: Immerse yourself

Surround yourself with the French language. If you can’t travel to a francophone country immediately, try to find French speakers interested in a language exchange in your area.

Watch French movies and TV shows — the 3rd season of Lupin just dropped — listen to French music and podcasts, and try to incorporate French into your daily life as much as possible.

Tip 3: Use language learning apps

Utilize language learning apps. These apps offer interactive lessons, vocabulary practice, and pronunciation exercises tailored for beginners.

While, in my opinion, they can’t replace a real lesson, they can be a great complement and make learning more accessible to Gen Z.

Tip 4: Make flashcards for vocabulary

When studying in the US, I found out Americans looove their flashcards.

Use flashcards to memorize vocabulary. Apps like Anki or Quizlet allow you to create custom flashcards, making it easier to review and reinforce new words.

Tip 5: Focus on common phrases

I know from experience, there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to communicate when learning a language.

Learn essential phrases and sentences used in everyday conversations. Mastering common expressions will help you communicate effectively and fast in various situations. And once you start communicating, it’s all — or almost — fun.

Tip 6: Be disciplined

If my husband got a dollar for every time I told him to be disciplined with his Spanish learning, we would be living in a mansion.

Yep, I know, I’m a rabat-joie. But without consistency, learning will be very difficult.

Dedicate a specific time each day to practice French, even if it's just for a few minutes. Regular practice helps reinforce your learning and improve retention.

Tip 7: Take French lessons

While it’s possible to self-learn a language, consider taking lessons with a language tutor. Personalized instruction allows you to focus on your specific challenges and receive immediate feedback, whether it’s in person or online. Having a teacher also holds you accountable.

However, don’t expect lessons to be a magic wand. Unless you follow up with homework and put in your own effort to practice and study, lessons won’t be very helpful.

Tip 8: Be patient and persistent

Language learning takes time. Don't get discouraged by challenges or slow progress. Stay patient, persistent, and maintain a positive attitude. Celebrate small victories along the way.



So, is French easy to learn?

Remember, while challenges exist when learning French, they are not insurmountable. With determination, practice, and a positive attitude — sorry about that, couldn’t help it — learning French, or any language, is achievable.

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-09-20 12:27:59
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