



What is a Good TOEFL Score?

Your TOEFL iBT scores can be a real source of anxiety, can’t they? You spend weeks waiting for those numbers to come in. And then even after you get your score report, you may wonder if your score even fits into a good TOEFL score range for your dream school.

There’s no single answer to the question, “What is a good TOEFL score?” But have no fear. In this article, we’ll give you all the information you need in order to measure the value of your score on the exam.


Table of Contents

  • General Requirements for a Good TOEFL Score
    • Minimum TOEFL Score Requirements
    • Advantages of Getting More than the Minimum TOEFL Score
    • TOEFL Score Range Requirements
    • How to Research TOEFL Score Requirements
  • TOEFL Scores for Graduate and Professional Studies
  • What is a good TOEFL iBT score, according to ETS?
  • What’s a good TOEFL score percentile?
  • What’s a good TOEFL score in general?
  • TOEFL MyBest Scores and Retaking the TOEFL
  • What’s a good TOEFL score if your whole application is strong?


General Requirements for a Good TOEFL Score

Whether you’ve already taken your TOEFL test (congratulations!) or you’re planning to take the exam, you’re likely wondering, “Will my TOEFL score be any good?” You’re not alone. Waiting the 10 days before your TOEFL results are posted online can be frustrating, but it can be even more frustrating not to know how to interpret your results!

However, unlike most other tests we take, you can’t pass or fail the TOEFL. No TOEFL score range or individual TOEFL score can really be said to be “good” or “bad”, just as no level of English is inherently “good” or “bad”—it all depends on what kind of language you use and what you need it for. So in this post, we’ll look at a few ways to answer the question, “What is a good TOEFL score?”

Minimum TOEFL Score Requirements

Fortunately, many universities take the guesswork out by stating exactly what score you need to qualify for their programs. (Go to our TOEFL Scores Infographic to see the required scores for many top US schools.) At quite a few schools, you can just look up the score you need, then take a TOEFL practice test to see where you currently are. (This isn’t true at all schools, though. See later sections of this article for more information.)

Of course, the minimum score can still differ a lot from school-to-school. Some schools require a score as low as 70 points, and others as high as 110. From a practical standpoint, the score required by the school you’re interested in should be considered a “good” score.

If, after taking a TOEFL practice test, you discover that your TOEFL score does not meet the minimum score requirement for your school, you can use Unikcolors Media Institute - IELTS Training Centre Kenya Preps to improve your skills and increase your score. (Our free trial is a good place to start.)

Now, if you’re taking the SAT or GRE, you may have noticed the culture of scraping up as many points as possible; it’s not uncommon for people to spend months and months studying and then take the test multiple times over a period of six months or a year. For many exams, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, since even a fairly small increase in score can give you the competitive edge that gets you admitted or wins the scholarship that allows you to attend the school of your dreams.

The TOEFL, however, is usually a little different… at most schools, at least. More often than not, if a school states a score, then the office of admissions has determined that that score is what’s necessary to perform well in that school’s curriculum. So as long as you meet the requirement, your score probably won’t play much of a role in your admission or rejection.

Let’s say you were sick the day of your test, and you didn’t perform your best. You scored a 90, but you think you should have scored a 100. If your program only requires an 80, then you probably don’t need to take the test again. Instead, it’s likely better to focus on other parts of your application that the admissions department is more interested in, like your essays, interviews, and portfolios.

…But for Certain On-Campus Work, the Minimum TOEFL Score is Not Enough

Notice that in the explanation above, I used a lot of cautious phrases, such as “usually,” “at most schools,” “probably,” “more often than not,” and so on. If I sounded hesitant, it’s because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Yes, often, the minimum TOEFL score is enough. But there are definitely are some cases when the minimum TOEFL score isn’t desirable.

Sometimes a school will offer special benefits or opportunities if your TOEFL score exceeds the minimum. For example, if you are trying for admission to a top graduate school, the minimum score might be 90. However, in order to get a TA (a teaching assistantship), your minimum speaking score might be 26, or you might need a 100 on the TOEFL overall. If you are hoping for special on-campus work opportunities, check to see if there are separate, higher TOEFL requirements.

If this is the case, remember that Unikcolors Media Institute Preps comes with a 4-point score guarantee. So, if you’ve taken the test before, then we guarantee that you will improve your score by 4 points, or we will give you a full refund. Luckily, most students who watch our lesson videos and try our over 500 practice questions do see a 4-point improvement in their TOEFL scores (and a boost to their English skills).

There are also a few other cases where you want to aim higher than the minimum TOEFL score. Read on….

A Note on Programs that Set a TOEFL Score Range

As I mentioned, scraping up as many points as possible is usually not necessary for the TOEFL. However, in some cases, a university program doesn’t set a single minimum TOEFL iBT score. Instead, you may need to have a TOEFL score that’s in a certain range. In that case, you will want to aim for the highest possible score.

TOEFL iBT score ranges are commonly set by conditional acceptance programs. These kinds of programs allow lower-scoring TOEFL test-takers to still be accepted. But conditionally accepted students have to take some ESL courses before they can start their regular degree.

When it comes to TOEFL scores and conditional acceptance, higher scores mean fewer ESL classes. If your TOEFL score is at the bottom of a conditional acceptance range, you may have to take a full year of ESL classes, maybe more. However, if you have a top conditional TOEFL score, there’s a good chance you’ll study English for just one semester before beginning your regular degree. To give one example, the University of Iowa https://nabp.pharmacy/ for conditionally accepted students. If you enter their conditional acceptance program with a TOEFL that’s in the upper 70s, you can probably get into your regular degree courses in less than a year.

And there are still other universities that set a score range for fully accepted students. This is less common. But you will see ranges, rather than just a set minimum TOEFL score, at some highly competitive universities.

For instance, the University of Illinois recommends a TOEFL score range of 102-110. Obviously, the closer an applicant is to 110, the better. Similarly, prestigious schools such as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, etc… may prefer to see your score fall into a TOEFL score range that’s above their minimum.

Finding University TOEFL Scores: Always do Your Research!

Ultimately, you need to research the exact TOEFL expectations at your school. And when it comes to researching schools, make sure you get the most accurate, up-to-date information.

If possible, email or call your school admissions office to confirm any score information you see on their website. Ideally, of course, the information on the website will be up-to-date. But sometimes it won’t be. So it never hurts to double-check. And remember, TOEFL requirements sometimes vary, depending on the major or program you apply to. So double-check department-specific TOEFL requirements as well!

Now here’s the good news: Magoosh has done some of that research for you already– we’ve compiled some info on the special TOEFL requirements for professional licenses and professional studies in the United States. We’ll explore those in the section below.

What is a good score for graduate and professional programs?

The TOEFL isn’t just for full time undergraduate students! Adult professionals can also use the TOEFL to become licensed in healthcare jobs in the United States. And professionals can also advance their careers by getting an MBA or law degree, if they have qualifying TOEFL scores.

TOEFL scores for medical professionalsWhat TOEFL iBT scores do you need for law school?What is a good score for business school?

What is a good TOEFL iBT score, according to ETS?

ETS, the company that makes the TOEFL, also sets official levels for how good your TOEFL iBT score is.

When you get your TOEFL scores, they will be accompanied by a document called “performance feedback.” This document will contain a summary of your general level in each section/skill of the TOEFL. There will be separate descriptions of your performance for TOEFL Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.

Performance Levels for TOEFL Reading and ListeningPerformance Levels for TOEFL SpeakingPerformance Levels for TOEFL WritingTOEFL Performance Levels and Score RangesMore Details From the Official TOEFL Website

What is a good score, in terms of percentiles?

Then there’s the matter of TOEFL percentiles. Your percentile shows how you did in comparison with other test takers. The higher the percentile, the better. A 90th percentile TOEFL score means you scored higher than 90% of the other test takers. If you can fall into that percentile, you have a pretty good TOEFL score. And more basically, the higher above the 50th percentile you go, the better off you are.

Now, here’s where percentiles get interesting: ETS measures percentiles based on the demographic that you’re in. This means you compare your TOEFL score to other test-takers who share your language, come from your home country, share your gender, or have the same level of education that you do.

Let’s say that your TOEFL score is in the 90th percentile for your country. This makes your score a good one, if you’re applying to English language degree programs in your own country.

If you’re from a very big nation, your national TOEFL percentile influences global percentiles a lot. So a high TOEFL percentile in your home country may be good by the standards of universities around the world. “Big nation” high percentiles are especially valuable for university admissions in the English-Speaking world. Many American, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and Irish universities primarily accept either Chinese or Indian international students. What does this mean if you’re from China or India and have a high TOEFL percentile for your country? It means your TOEFL score will probably be good for schools you apply to in native English speaking countries.

The people at ETS offer a very “data heavy” way to answer the question “What is a good TOEFL score?” They keep an official document of TOEFL iBT score percentiles. That document can help you find your percentile for one or more of your demographics.

This official TOEFL percentile report can seem a little complicated and overwhelming for some readers, though. That’s why Magoosh has created an analysis and explanation of ETS’s TOEFL percentile data.

So what is a good TOEFL score, in general?

As you’ve seen, a good score depends on many things: your university, your major, your country, and more. Still, generally, the following is true about TOEFL scores at most schools:

Less than 80: This is generally not a good TOEFL iBT score. If you below on 80 on the TOEFL, it will be hard to get into an English language university, unless you go for conditional acceptance. However, some small public universities in the US will accept TOEFL scores below 80. And English degree programs in non-English speaking countries also sometimes may accept scores in this not-so-good range.

80-90: This score range is treated as moderately good. Once you get your TOEFL iBT score to 80 or higher, many more universities will accept you. Interestingly, in this moderate range, it’s easier to get accepted into grad schools. (Graduate programs require English ability, but are more interested in your research skills and academic expertise.)

90-100: TOEFL scores in this range are perfectly good. At this level, your TOEFL score is good enough for most universities. With these TOEFL scores, you also have a shot at getting a position as an RA, TA, or GA on campus.

100-110: These are very good TOEFL scores. Once you start scoring this high on a TOEFL iBT, you can be accepted into Ivy League schools and other top universities.

110-120: These are the best TOEFL iBT scores by any standard. If you score this well, you should get in…. Unless you fail to meet section subscore requirements.

A school may require a TOEFL of 100, but also require that you get at least 27 in Speaking. If your TOEFL iBT score is Reading 29, Listening 28, Speaking 26, and Writing 27, you’ll be at 110, but you’ll still need to retake the test.

TOEFL MyBest Scores and Retaking the TOEFL

TOEFL score reports now potentially include two scores: the score the student received on the indvidual testing session, and a “superscore” that combines the best section scores across all of a student’s testing sessions for the past two years. A small but growing number of schools will now consider the superscore rather than the individual test session score. You can click here for ETS’s list of the schools that accept TOEFL MyBest scores (a.k.a., the TOEFL “superscore”).

What does this mean? Well, if you’ve only taken the TOEFL once, or if you’re applying to a school that doesn’t accept MyBest scores, it doesn’t mean much. However, if you are applying to a MyBest-accepting school, and you’ve taken the TOEFL two or more times in the last two years (or if you are considering a retake), below is a breakdown of how MyBest combines your best section scores on your score report.

For an example of how this can work, let’s say that you take the TOEFL once and get the following:

  • Reading 25
  • Listening 24
  • Speaking 28
  • Writing 23

Then suppose you take the TOEFL a second time, and get:

  • Reading 24
  • Listening 26
  • Speaking 27
  • Writing 26

If you order a score report after those two exams, your score report will include a MyBest score, as follows:

  • Reading 25 (higher score from first exam)
  • Listening 26 (higher score from second exam)
  • Speaking 28 (higher score from first exam)
  • Writing 26 (higher score from second exam)

This also means that even though your score on the first exam was 100 and your score on the second exam alone would be 103, your MyBest score report would show a total score of 105, using your best scores from each.

In short, the new MyBest score system may help you if:

  • You have taken the TOEFL more than once in the last two years or are considering a retake.
  • You are applying to one of the schools that accept MyBest TOEFL scores.
  • Some of your section scores meet your requirements, but others don’t.
  • Boosting your score in just one part of the exam will get your whole test score to where it needs to be.

So for some of you reading this, the MyBest changes to TOEFL scoring are certainly something to consider. But again, if you’ve only taken the test once, and that got you the score you need, no need to worry about this. 🙂

My Whole Application is Great! What is a good TOEFL score for me?

Consider the quality of the rest of your application. If you have a very strong admissions essay, an excellent past academic record, recent coursework that was taught in English, etc., a lower TOEFL score may still be seen as “good” by schools. Or at least, a low TOEFL score can be seen as good enough.

In fact, if you have a TOEFL score that’s just below the minimum, but the rest of your application materials are excellent, you should ask your school if you can still be considered for acceptance. Many schools will say yes. (There are also many schools that won’t be flexible, of course.) Good luck!

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-09-18 12:14:36
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