




Describing graphs, charts, diagrams and tables for band 9 in IELTS writing + Best structures and useful vocabulary


The ability to describe graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables is crucial for achieving a high score on the IELTS writing test. This skill demonstrates your proficiency in English and ability to analyze and communicate complex information clearly. This article provides a comprehensive guide on excelling in describing various types of graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables in IELTS writing.

Understanding the nuances of different types of visual data is the first step toward mastering their description. Each type of graph or chart presents unique challenges and opportunities for analysis. Here’s how to approach each one:

Line Graphs

Line graphs depict data points over time, illustrating trends, growth rates, declines, and periodic fluctuations. They can feature single or multiple lines to allow comparisons between different datasets over identical time periods, making them invaluable for showing changes and trends.

Answering Strategies

To excel in describing line graphs, consider the following strategies:

  • Start with paraphrasing the information provided by the line graph in your introduction. This involves rewording the graph’s title and any accompanying descriptions to introduce the topic without directly copying the text.
  • Include essential axis information in your introduction if necessary, such as the categories being compared (e.g., years, quantities) and the units of measurement. This sets a clear context for your analysis.
  • The overview or overall statement is crucial. It should summarize the main trends observed in the graph, including any significant changes or patterns. This part is considered the most important statement in your IELTS Writing Task 1, as it provides a snapshot of your analytical abilities.
  • Ensure that each sentence in your body paragraphs is supported by specific numbers and dates from the graph. This factual support is vital for credibility and accuracy. Double-check to make sure all the data mentioned is correct.
  • Use a variety of linking words to connect your ideas and ensure the coherence of your essay. Try to avoid repeating the same linking words, as a range of connectors demonstrates linguistic flexibility.
  • Aim for around 180 words for Writing Task 1. This is generally considered an appropriate length to adequately describe and analyze the data without being overly verbose or too brief.

Best Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Paraphrase the line graph’s title and introduce the main categories and units of measurement.
  • Overview: Provide a summary of the main trends and key features. This is the pivotal part of your essay.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Discuss each main trend in detail, including rises, falls, and periods of stability. Use data points, including numbers and dates, to support your descriptions.
    • Compare and contrast data where multiple lines are present, highlighting significant differences or similarities.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce the most significant trend(s) observed or conclude by comparing the initial and final data points.

Basic Vocabulary to Use

  • Increase: rise, grow, climb
  • Decrease: fall, drop, decrease
  • Stability: remain stable, level off, maintain

Advanced Vocabulary to Use

  • Sharp increase: surge, skyrocket, sharply rise
  • Gradual decrease: gradually decline, slowly fall, taper off
  • Long-term stability: consistently maintain, remain steady, show no significant fluctuation

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Bar Charts

Bar charts are utilized to compare quantities across different categories or time periods. Each bar represents a category, and its height or length corresponds to its value or quantity. Bar charts can effectively showcase differences or similarities between groups.

Answering Strategies

  • Paraphrase the bar chart information for a concise introduction, typically fitting into one sentence.
  • Include units of measurement in the introduction if relevant (“Units are measured in…”).
  • Add essential details such as country names, category names, and dates in the introduction to set the context.
  • Identify key features of the bar chart, such as the highest and lowest bars, main differences, or notable trends, for the overview.
  • Compile key features into a coherent overview, crucial for Task Achievement score.
  • Ensure the essay contains more than one body paragraph, ideally two, to adequately cover the chart’s information.
  • Organize the information logically across paragraphs, deciding on a logical division for each paragraph’s focus.
  • Support each statement in the body paragraphs with specific numerical data from the chart.
  • Use a range of complex sentence structures to demonstrate linguistic capability and enhance readability.
  • Employ a variety of linking devices to articulate comparisons and contrasts, improving Coherence and Cohesion.
  • Linking devices examples include “whereas,” “compared to,” and “in comparison with” to structure your analysis clearly.
  • Practice using model answers to learn effective sentence structures and linking word applications.

Best Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Introduce the chart by paraphrasing the title.
  • Overview: Offer a summary of the most significant data points or overall trends.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Detail comparisons between categories.
    • Discuss any noticeable trends or patterns.
  • Conclusion: Provide insights or implications based on the data.

Basic Vocabulary to Use

  • High: high, higher, highest
  • Low: low, lower, lowest
  • Average: average, moderate, middle

Advanced Vocabulary to Use

  • Substantial difference: significant disparity, marked difference, considerable variance
  • Slight variation: minor fluctuation, slight deviation, negligible difference
  • Steady growth: consistent growth, steady increase, uniform rise

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Pie Charts

Pie charts display data as circular charts divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions as a whole. Each slice’s size indicates the proportion of the part it represents, making pie charts ideal for showing the distribution or composition of a dataset.

Answering Strategies

  • Start by paraphrasing the pie chart information for a clear, concise introduction.
  • Include “Units are measured in…” if units of measurement are relevant and not previously mentioned.
  • Always highlight the largest and smallest proportions in the overview to provide a clear snapshot of the data distribution.
  • For tasks with two pie charts from different time periods, emphasize key changes or trends observed.
  • Use specific pie chart language such as “accounts for,” “comprises of,” and “represents” to describe data accurately.
  • Structure body paragraphs to focus on comparing and contrasting key changes or trends over time when describing multiple pie charts.
  • Point out significant proportions, including dominant or notably small categories, to give a balanced view of the data.
  • Mention significant categories that have seen growth or decline, supporting observations with specific data points.
  • Ensure the essay flows logically, starting with notable features in the overview and moving to specifics in the body paragraphs.
  • Use a range of linking words and phrases for cohesion and smooth transitions between points.
  • Support each point made with accurate data from the chart, demonstrating attention to detail and factual accuracy.
  • Incorporate complex sentence structures to convey comparisons and changes effectively, showcasing language proficiency.
  • Vary vocabulary when describing proportions and changes to avoid repetition and maintain reader engagement.

Best Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Describe what the pie chart shows, including the dataset and period if applicable.
  • Overview: Give an overview of the distribution or the most notable proportion(s).
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Compare and contrast different slices of the pie.
    • Discuss any notable data points or trends.
  • Conclusion: Sum up the key findings or the significance of the distribution.

Basic Vocabulary to Use

  • Large part: majority, largest portion, most significant section
  • Small part: minority, smaller segment, least significant section
  • Equal parts: equally divided, similar size, comparable sections

Advanced Vocabulary to Use

  • Predominant section: overwhelmingly dominant, largest share, majority stake
  • Insignificant fraction: negligible portion, minor slice, insignificant piece
  • Proportional distribution: equitable distribution, proportional allocation, balanced share

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Tables organize data in rows and columns, allowing for comparison of information across different variables. Tables can display a wide range of data types and are versatile in presenting detailed information for analysis.

Answering Strategies

  • Include all key features in the overview to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the table’s data; merely mentioning one key feature is not enough for a high score.
  • Organize your essay into structured body paragraphs, focusing on different aspects or sets of data for clarity.
  • Avoid detailing every single data point; instead, group details by providing averages, ranges, or summaries to convey the information efficiently.
  • Be selective with the information you include in your report to avoid overwhelming with too many details.
  • Ensure your essay exceeds 150 words but aim for it to be under 200 words to meet task requirements while maintaining conciseness.
  • Utilize a variety of linking devices such as “compared to,” “as opposed to,” “in terms of,” and “while” to enhance coherence and demonstrate analytical depth.
  • Strive for variety in sentence structures to keep the description engaging and avoid monotony.
  • Accept that some words will be repeated due to the limited number of synonyms for certain terms; focus on demonstrating paraphrasing skills and maintaining accuracy to show linguistic competence.
  • Remember, the goal is to present the table’s data in a clear, organized manner that highlights your ability to analyze and summarize complex information effectively.

Best Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Present the table and what it represents.
  • Overview: Summarize the key findings or general trends observed.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Provide detailed comparisons and analyses of the data presented.
    • Highlight significant trends, outliers, or patterns.
  • Conclusion: Conclude with the implications or insights gained from the table.

Basic Vocabulary to Use

  • Increase: rise, grow, upsurge
  • Decrease: fall, decline, reduction
  • Consistency: consistent, steady, uniform

Advanced Vocabulary to Use

  • Marked increase: significant rise, sharp increase, notable growth
  • Steep decline: dramatic fall, steep downturn, sharp drop
  • Statistical significance: statistically significant, notable discrepancy, significant divergence

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Flowcharts/process diagrams

Flowcharts and process diagrams are graphical representations of a process or a sequence of steps and decisions. They depict the flow from one step to the next, using different symbols to represent actions, decisions, and outcomes, making them useful for explaining complex processes.

Answering Strategies

  • Study and understand the question first, comprehending the task, the type of the diagram, the number of steps, and the relationship between each step.
  • Start with the first step and describe each stage sequentially until you reach the end, ensuring a logical flow of information.
  • Write a single sentence in the introduction by paraphrasing the question, but remember that an overview is essential and contributes significantly to the score. This overview should offer a brief explanation using the key stages of the process.
  • Avoid simply transcribing diagrammatic information into words; instead, organize the data well for better understanding and clarity.
  • Use correct linking words to effectively transition and connect the stages of the process, enhancing the coherence of your description.
  • Include supporting information from the diagram to enrich the discussion in the body paragraphs, avoiding overly generic statements.
  • Pay attention to the speech and tense used, favoring simple present and present perfect tenses, and be mindful of using active and passive verbs appropriately.

Best Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Introduce the process depicted by the flowchart.
  • Overview: Provide a brief overview of the process stages.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Detail each step in the process, including decision points.
    • Use sequential language to maintain clarity.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the outcome of the process or its overall efficiency.

Basic Vocabulary to Use

  • Start: begin, start, initiate
  • Next: then, next, following
  • End: end, conclude, finish

Advanced Vocabulary to Use

  • Initiation: commencement, inception, initiation
  • Progression: subsequent step, following phase, next stage
  • Culmination: culmination, conclusion, finalization

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Final tips

Mastering the art of describing various types of graphs, charts, and diagrams is a pivotal step toward achieving your desired score in IELTS Writing Task 1. However, understanding these strategies is just the beginning. To truly excel, consistent practice and feedback are crucial.

This is where Unikcolors Media Institute - IELTS Training Centre shines as an invaluable resource. By taking Preptical’s physical and online Mock tests, you gain the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in a simulated exam environment. More importantly, Unikcolors offers personalized feedback from experienced examiners, providing you with actionable insights into your performance.

Embrace the chance to refine your skills, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and approach your IELTS preparation with confidence. Start your journey with Unikcolors today—it’s the best way to practice, improve, and succeed.

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-08-12 11:21:14
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