




Cohesive Devices for Band 9 in IELTS Writing


Cohesive devices are words or phrases that help to connect your ideas and make your writing more coherent and logical. They are also known as linking words, connectors, or discourse markers. They show the relationship between sentences, paragraphs, or sections of a text or speech.

Using cohesive devices effectively can improve your writing score in IELTS, as coherence and cohesion account for 25% of the assessment criteria. However, you should not overuse them or use them inappropriately, as this could confuse or irritate the reader. You should also vary your choice of cohesive devices and use them accurately and selectively.

In this article, we will look at some of the main types of cohesive devices and how to use them in your writing.

Adding Information

You can use cohesive devices to add more information to a point you have made or to introduce a new point that supports your argument. Some examples of cohesive devices for adding information are:

  • And: This is the most common way to join two sentences or clauses that have the same importance. For example: She likes reading and writing.
  • Also: This can be used to add another point that is similar or related to the previous one. For example He is good at math. He also excels in science.
  • As well as: This can be used to add another noun or noun phrase that is similar or related to the previous one. For example: She speaks English as well as French.
  • Too: This can be used at the end of a sentence to add another point that is similar or related to the previous one. For example: He likes coffee. I like it too.
  • Furthermore / Moreover / In addition: These can be used to add another point that is more important or stronger than the previous one. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: The project was delayed due to technical issues. Furthermore, the budget was exceeded by 20%.
  • Along with / Together with / Alongside: These can be used to add another noun or noun phrase that is related to the previous one and shows a connection or contrast. For example: The report was submitted along with a summary of the findings.

Sequencing Information

You can use cohesive devices to show the order or sequence of your points or ideas. This can help to make your writing more clear and organized. Some examples of cohesive devices for sequencing information are:

  • Firstly / Secondly / Thirdly / Finally: These can be used to introduce your main points or arguments in a logical order. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: Firstly, I will explain the background of the issue. Secondly, I will present some possible solutions. Thirdly, I will evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, I will give my opinion and recommendation.
  • Next / Then / After that / Subsequently: These can be used to show the chronological order of events or actions. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: Next, we will discuss the methodology of the research. Then, we will analyze the data and results. After that, we will draw some conclusions and implications. Subsequently, we will make some recommendations for future research.
  • Before / After / During / While: These can be used to show the time relationship between two events or actions. They are usually used as prepositions followed by a noun or a clause. For example: Before we start the presentation, please turn off your phones. After she finished her degree, she got a job in a multinational company. During the meeting, he raised some important questions. While he was driving, he saw an accident.
  • Meanwhile / Simultaneously: These can be used to show that two events or actions happen at the same time but in different places or situations. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a fire broke out in a factory. Simultaneously, scientists from different countries were working on a vaccine for the virus.

Read Also: 15 Sentence Structures for Band 9 Writing in IELTS + Sample passage

Emphasizing Information

You can use cohesive devices to emphasize a point you have made or to show its importance or significance. Some examples of cohesive devices for emphasizing information are:

  • Above all / Most importantly: These can be used to introduce the most important point or argument in your writing. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: Above all, you should practice your writing skills regularly. Most importantly, you should follow the instructions of the task carefully.
  • Especially / Particularly / Specifically: These can be used to emphasize a specific point, example, or detail that is relevant or important. They are usually used after a noun or a verb. For example: She enjoys reading books, especially novels. He is particularly good at solving problems. They specifically asked for your opinion.
  • Indeed / In fact / Actually: These can be used to emphasize a point that is true or surprising. They are usually used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. For example: Indeed, he is one of the best writers in the world. She is very smart, in fact, she has a PhD in physics. He actually likes broccoli.

Contrasting Information

You can use cohesive devices to show a contrast or difference between two points or ideas. This can help to make your writing more balanced and objective. Some examples of cohesive devices for contrasting information are:

  • But / However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless: These can be used to introduce a point that is different from or opposite to the previous one. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or after a comma. For example: She likes reading but hates writing. He is rich, however, he is not happy. She failed the exam, nevertheless, she did not give up. He was tired, nonetheless, he continued working.
  • On the other hand / On the contrary / Conversely: These can be used to introduce a point that is different from or opposite to the previous one, especially when comparing two situations or perspectives. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: Some people think that technology has improved our lives. On the other hand, some people think that it has made us more isolated. He claimed that he was innocent. On the contrary, the evidence proved that he was guilty. Women tend to live longer than men. Conversely, men tend to earn more than women.
  • Although / Even though / Though / Despite / In spite of: These can be used to introduce a point that is different from or opposite to the previous one, but does not change the main idea or argument. They are usually followed by a noun or a clause. For example: Although he was sick, he went to school. Even though she studied hard, she failed the exam. Though it was raining, they decided to go out. Despite his age, he is very active. In spite of the traffic, they arrived on time.

Giving Examples or Evidence

You can use cohesive devices to give examples or evidence to support your points or arguments. This can help to make your writing more convincing and credible. Some examples of cohesive devices for giving examples or evidence are:

  • For example / For instance / To illustrate: These can be used to introduce a specific example or instance that illustrates your point or argument. They are usually followed by a noun or a clause. For example: There are many benefits of exercise. For example, it can improve your mood and health. Some animals are endangered due to human activities. For instance, poaching and deforestation threaten the survival of elephants and tigers. He is very talented in music. To illustrate, he can play several instruments and sing.
  • Such as / Like / Including: These can be used to introduce one or more examples that belong to a category or group that you have mentioned. They are usually followed by a noun or a noun phrase. For example: There are many types of fruits, such as apples, bananas, and oranges. Some sports, like soccer and basketball, require teamwork and coordination. He has visited many countries, including France, Germany, and Italy.
  • According to / Based on / In terms of: These can be used to introduce evidence or information that comes from a source or a criterion that you have mentioned. They are usually followed by a noun or a noun phrase. For example: According to a recent survey, most people prefer online shopping over traditional shopping. Based on his performance, he deserves a promotion. In terms of quality, this product is superior to others.


Explaining Results or Consequences

You can use cohesive devices to show the result or consequence of something that you have mentioned. This can help to show cause and effect relationships in your writing. Some examples of cohesive devices for explaining results or consequences are:

  • As a result / Consequently / Therefore / Thus: These can be used to introduce a result or consequence that follows from a cause or reason that you have mentioned. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: He failed to submit his assignment on time. As a result, he lost 10% of his marks. She studied hard for the exam. Consequently, she passed with flying colors. They did not have enough money to buy food. Therefore, they had to borrow from their neighbors. He was late for the meeting. Thus, he missed an important opportunity.
  • For this reason / Because of this / That is why: These can be used to introduce a result or consequence that follows from a cause or reason that you have mentioned. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: He was allergic to peanuts. For this reason, he avoided eating them. She was very tired after working all day. Because of this, she fell asleep on the couch. They had a lot of homework to do. That is why they could not go to the party.
  • So / Then: These can be used to introduce a result or consequence that follows from a cause or reason that you have mentioned. They are usually used in the middle of a sentence after a comma. For example: He forgot his keys, so he had to break the door. She was hungry, then she ordered a pizza.

Providing Explanations or Reasons

You can use cohesive devices to provide explanations or reasons for something that you have mentioned. This can help to show your understanding and analysis of the topic or issue. Some examples of cohesive devices for providing explanations or reasons are:

  • Because / Since / As: These can be used to introduce a cause or reason for something that you have mentioned. They are usually followed by a clause. For example: He quit his job because he was unhappy. Since it was raining, they decided to stay home. As he was sick, he could not attend the class.
  • Owing to / Due to / Because of: These can be used to introduce a cause or reason for something that you have mentioned. They are usually followed by a noun or a noun phrase. For example: Owing to his hard work, he achieved his goals. Due to the bad weather, the flight was canceled. Because of her kindness, everyone loved her.
  • In order to / So as to / So that: These can be used to introduce a purpose or intention for something that you have mentioned. They are usually followed by a verb or a clause. For example: In order to pass the exam, he studied hard. She left early so as to avoid the traffic. He turned off the lights so that he could sleep.

Drawing Conclusions or Summarizing

You can use cohesive devices to draw conclusions or summarize your main points or arguments in your writing. This can help to show your position and perspective on the topic or issue. Some examples of cohesive devices for drawing conclusions or summarizing are:

  • In conclusion / To conclude / To sum up: These can be used to introduce the final paragraph or sentence of your writing where you restate your main points or arguments and give your opinion or recommendation. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: In conclusion, I believe that technology has more benefits than drawbacks for society. To conclude, I would like to thank you for your attention and cooperation. To sum up, there are three main reasons why I prefer online shopping over traditional shopping.
  • In short / In brief / In summary: These can be used to introduce a short summary of your main points or arguments in your writing. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: In short, he is a great leader and a role model. In brief, the project was successful and met all the objectives. In summary, there are many factors that influence consumer behavior.
  • All in all / Overall / On the whole: These can be used to introduce a general evaluation or assessment of your main points or arguments in your writing. They are usually used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. For example: All in all, it was an enjoyable and memorable experience.Overall, I think that this is a good product and worth buying. *On the whole, I agree with the author’s point of view and arguments.*


Cohesive devices are vital for achieving a high band score in IELTS writing. They enable you to write a clear, coherent, and logical text or speech that connects your ideas and shows the relationship between them. They also demonstrate your range and accuracy of vocabulary and grammar, which are also part of the assessment criteria.

However, using cohesive devices effectively is not easy. You need to use them appropriately and accurately according to the purpose and context of your writing. You also need to vary your choice of cohesive devices and avoid repetition.

To improve your use of cohesive devices, you need to practice writing on different topics and review your writing for coherence and cohesion. You also need to read more texts and speeches that use cohesive devices effectively and learn from them.

Unikcolors Media Institute - IELTS Training Centre Kenya provides you with authentic IELTS mock tests that simulate the real exam conditions. You can take the mock tests anytime and anywhere, and get instant results and feedback on your performance.

Unikcolors's feedback will help you to improve your use of cohesive devices, as well as other aspects of your writing, such as task achievement, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. You will also get tips and strategies on how to write better and faster for IELTS.

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-08-07 13:09:49
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