




15 Sentence Structures for Band 9 Writing in IELTS + Sample passage


Achieving a band 9 in IELTS writing is a pinnacle of linguistic proficiency, demonstrating a candidate’s ability to use English in a sophisticated and precise manner. It’s not just about using complex vocabulary or flawless grammar; it’s about how effectively you can communicate and structure your ideas. One of the keys to unlocking this achievement lies in the mastery of varied sentence structures. Here, we explore 15 sentence structures that can elevate your writing, providing the versatility and depth needed for a band 9 score.

1. The Classic Compound Sentence

Structure: Independent clause + , + coordinating conjunction + independent clause.

Purpose: To connect ideas of equal importance, showing a relationship between them.


  • The team prepared thoroughly, and their effort was evident in their performance.
  • Public transportation has improved significantly, yet many still prefer personal vehicles.
  • Renewable energy sources are becoming more viable, so fossil fuel reliance is decreasing.

2. The Advanced Complex Sentence

Structure: Subordinating conjunction + dependent clause + , + independent clause.

Purpose: To show the relationship of cause, condition, or time between ideas.


  • Even though the budget was limited, the project was completed on time.
  • As long as you study consistently, you will see improvement in your scores.
  • Because the internet was down, the submission was delayed.

3. The Compound-Complex Sentence

Structure: Independent clause + , + coordinating conjunction + independent clause + ; + subordinating conjunction + dependent clause.

Purpose: To combine multiple ideas, showing a complex relationship between them.


  • The company is expanding its operations overseas, and as it does so, it faces new regulatory challenges.
  • She wanted to take a vacation, but she had too much work to do, which meant postponing her plans.
  • They offered him a promotion, yet he declined, since he prefers to maintain his current work-life balance.

Read Also: English grammar for IELTS

4. The Inversion for Emphasis

Structure: Verb + subject + complement.

Purpose: To emphasize a particular aspect of the sentence.


  • Rarely have we encountered such a challenging scenario.
  • Only after submitting the application did she realize a mistake had been made.
  • Not until the final moment was the winner clear.

5. The Conditional Hypothetical

Structure: If + past perfect, + would have + past participle.

Purpose: To speculate about outcomes of past situations.


  • If I had known about the meeting, I would have attended.
  • Had she practiced more, she might have won the competition.
  • If they had invested earlier, they could have doubled their profits.

6. The Parallel Structure

Structure: Using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.

Purpose: To add clarity and balance.


  • The seminar teaches students to analyze critically, think creatively, and write clearly.
  • He enjoys reading, biking, and cooking.
  • The job requires communicating effectively, understanding complex concepts, and solving problems efficiently.

Read Also: IELTS writing overview

7. The Variation in Voice

Structure: Changing active sentences to passive and vice versa.

Purpose: To focus more on the action or the recipient of the action rather than the doer.


  • The new policy was introduced by the government.
  • The book was written by an unknown author.
  • The award was received with great excitement by the team.

8. The Rhetorical Question

Structure: A statement turned into a question, with no expectation of an answer.

Purpose: To engage readers and provoke thought.


  • Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where peace prevails?
  • How can we expect change if we don’t take action?
  • Why is it that we only appreciate something when it’s gone?

9. The Contrastive Conjunction

Structure: Not only + verb + subject + but also.

Purpose: To highlight an addition or unexpected outcome.


  • Not only did she finish her work on time, but she also helped her colleagues.
  • The program not only reduces waste but also saves money.
  • He not only passed the exam but achieved the highest score.

Read Also: IELTS Listening: Beware the distractor!

10. The Cause and Effect

Structure: Due to + noun/noun phrase, + effect.

Purpose: To establish a clear relationship between cause and effect.


  • Due to heavy rain, the event was postponed.
  • Because of the traffic jam, I arrived late.
  • Owing to the lack of interest, the course was canceled.

11. The Listing Sequence

Structure: First(ly), Second(ly), Finally.

Purpose: To organize points or arguments in a clear, logical order.


  • First, we will review the documents; second, we’ll conduct interviews; third, we’ll make a decision.
  • Initially, the focus will be on research; subsequently, development will take precedence; ultimately, marketing will finalize the product launch.
  • To begin with, gather all necessary materials; next, prepare the work area; finally, follow the instructions carefully.

12. The Qualification

Structure: Although + subject + verb, + subject + verb.

Purpose: To present a concession or contrast two ideas.


  • Although it’s expensive, the quality justifies the price.
  • While the idea seems promising, further research is needed.
  • Even though the team is young, their determination is unmatched.

Read Also: IELTS Listening: Nine frequently asked questions

13. The Relative Clause Modifier

Structure: Subject + verb + who/which/that + verb.

Purpose: To add information about the subject without starting a new sentence.


  • The scientist who discovered the new element won a Nobel Prize.
  • The book that I borrowed from you was fascinating.
  • The car, which was parked outside, has been towed.

14. The Emphatic Repetition

Structure: Repetition of key words or phrases for emphasis.

Purpose: To strengthen a point or argument.


  • Freedom, freedom we must pursue, freedom we must preserve.
  • This is our time, our moment, our chance to make a difference.
  • Education, education, education is the key to success.

15. The Summary or Conclusion

Structure: In conclusion, + summary of main points.

Purpose: To neatly tie together points discussed, reinforcing the argument or narrative.


  • In summary, the strategy has proven effective, leading to significant improvements.
  • To conclude, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the hypothesis.
  • In closing, the future looks bright, provided we continue on our current path.

Sample band 9 passage with sentence structures

As an exercise, let’s create a passage for IELTS Writing Task 2 on the topic: “The Importance of Environmental Conservation”. The passage should incorporate each of the 15 sentence structures discussed.

Environmental conservation has become a paramount concern in today’s world, where climate change and resource depletion are pressing issues. (The Classic Compound Sentence) Not only does preserving our environment protect biodiversity, but it also ensures resources for future generations. (The Contrastive Conjunction) Why should we wait for a crisis to act when preventive measures can be taken now? (The Rhetorical Question)

Rarely have we faced such a universal challenge, one that requires cooperation across borders, cultures, and political divides. (The Inversion for Emphasis) If every individual took responsibility for their carbon footprint, we would see a significant shift towards a more sustainable world. (The Conditional Hypothetical) The task of environmental conservation involves three key steps: reducing waste, adopting renewable energy sources, and enhancing public awareness. (The Parallel Structure)

While many argue that individual actions are too small to make a difference, the collective impact of these efforts can lead to substantial change. (The Qualification) Due to increased awareness, many companies have begun to adopt greener practices, showcasing the power of consumer demand. (The Cause and Effect) First, we must prioritize education on environmental issues; second, incentivize sustainable practices; finally, enforce stricter regulations on pollution. (The Listing Sequence)

The journey towards environmental conservation has been long, and while progress has been made, much work remains to be done. (The Compound-Complex Sentence) The success stories of conservation, once rare, are now becoming more common, as communities understand the value of preserving nature. (The Advanced Complex Sentence) The laws that were enacted to protect endangered species have shown that intervention can lead to recovery and sustainability. (The Variation in Voice)

The relationship between a healthy environment and human well-being is undeniable, with clean air, water, and soil being essential for our survival. (The Relative Clause Modifier) We need action, action that not only addresses current issues but also prevents future crises. (The Emphatic Repetition) In conclusion, the importance of environmental conservation cannot be overstated; it is the foundation upon which the future of our planet rests. (The Summary or Conclusion)

Crafting Your Sentences for Band 9

Achieving band 9 in IELTS writing requires not just a thorough understanding of these structures but also the ability to apply them flexibly and appropriately according to the context. Practice integrating these structures into your essays, being mindful of their purpose and effect. Remember, variety is key; relying too heavily on one type of structure can make your writing seem monotonous.

Furthermore, consider the rhythm and flow of your essay. The best writing dances between different sentence structures, guiding the reader through your ideas with clarity and ease. It’s not just about showcasing your grammatical range; it’s about communicating effectively, persuasively, and engagingly.

In your preparation, write regularly, experiment with different structures, and seek feedback. Taking IELTS mock tests is the best way to understand how effective your writing is.

Remember, excellence in writing is achieved not by accident, but through practice, reflection, and a relentless pursuit of clarity and precision in expressing your ideas. With these 15 sentence structures in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to crafting essays that resonate with sophistication and eloquence, marking you as a truly advanced user of the English language.

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Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-07-31 13:23:57
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