



IELTS Writing – Overview

The IELTS Academic and General Writing Modules are similar in some ways and different in others. Whichever test you do, you have one hour to complete two tasks. It is the nature of the tasks that makes them different. You can see this clearly in the chart below:



Task 1Minimum 150 words Writing a letter in response to a situation – informal, semi-formal, or formalMinimum 150 words Interpreting, describing, or comparing information presented in graphic form – a diagram, bar chart, line graph, pie chart or table
Task 2Minimum 250 words Writing a more personal essay – possible informal styleMinimum 250 words Writing an essay on a general academic topic – formal style

In both cases, your score is based on three fundamental criteria:

  • Content: How well do you r present your arguments, ideas and evidence?
  • Quality: How effectively are you able to communicate your ideas and thoughts?
  • Technical Aspects: How correct is your grammar? How rich is your vocabulary? How varied are your sentences?

To complete an organized, coherent piece of writing, you need to take 2-5 minutes to plan. During this time, you can consider what position you will adopt, how you’re going to expand on the topic and in what order you will present your ideas. You should skip the planning activity only if you have very little time left. In such a case, you can work directly on the task itself.

Of course, grammar and vocabulary will also be assessed. Make sure you check your writing for verb tense agreement, prepositions, word order, sentence patterns, sentence structure, and range of vocabulary. Avoid using the same verbs, nouns, or adjectives more than once. Do not use slang at all. In the academic section of the IELTS, avoid contractions, which are a clear symbol of informal writing.


The IELTS Academic Writing module measures your
ability to write in clear, formal English, as is generally demanded in an academic context. You are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Task Response – how accurately to address the task
  • Coherence and Cohesion – how organized your writing is
  • Lexical Resource – the range of your vocabulary
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy – the correctness of your grammar

You have an hour to complete two writing tasks. You must
complete both tasks to get a score. You need to organize your ideas, write accurately, and use rich vocabulary. It is recommended that you divide your time in this way:

  • Task 1 – 150 words – 20 minutes
  • Task 2 – 250 words – 40 minutes

In the first task, you must write a report based on pictorial
information. This means you may need to describe a graph, chart, or diagram. It may be a bar chart, pie chart, line graph, or some other graphic representation. You might also be asked to describe the process illustrated by the diagram. This involves describing the data accurately, pointing out trends and relevant information, and using appropriate vocabulary.

To understand how best to answer this type of task, read
through the model answers provided in IELTS guidebooks. Examiners will score your answer based on your ability to group relevant information, link ideas in complex sentences, and use appropriate vocabulary to describe trends. This is not as difficult as it sounds. By reading through several sample answers, you can extract the vocabulary you need and also learn a variety of sentence structures, to present your information in a formal, academic manner. For the highest marks, also pay close attention to your spelling and copy given words and phrases correctly.

In this task, you need to write an academic style essay on the single topic given. You have no choices here – you must write only about the one topic – so prepare yourself with strategies to write a well-organized essay on a variety of subject areas. You may need to offer a solution to a problem, express an opinion or comment on ideas or arguments presented.

Your essay should be about four or five paragraphs in length, with an introduction, body and conclusion. It should not be a list of bullet points, but a properly organized essay, written in full sentences. You need to state your thesis, provide evidence or reasons to support your argument and write a strong conclusion. Use topic sentences to clearly identify the main theme in each paragraph. You could use the guide below to structure your essay.


Paragraph 1IntroductionRestate the topic, indicate your position
Paragraph 2BodyMain idea, supporting idea, examples
Paragraph 3BodyMain idea, supporting idea, examples
Paragraph 4ConclusionSummarize ideas, restate position


The IELTS General Writing section measures your ability to communicate about common, practical issues and expand on topics of personal interest. You may be asked to provide factual information, make suggestions, express likes and dislikes, or present complaints, opinions, or views. This section lasts for 1 hour and includes 2 tasks. Task 2 carries more marks than Task 1. Therefore, you may wish to divide your time as follows:

  • Task 1 – 150 words – 20 minutes
  • Task 2 – 250 words – 40 minutes

According to the makers of the IELTS exam, assessment of General Writing tasks is based on the following criteria:

  • Task Achievement – how thoroughly you do what is asked
  • Coherence and Cohesion – how organized your letter is
  • Lexical Resource – the range of vocabulary you use
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy – how correct your grammar is

You are asked to write a letter to a friend, government agency or interest group. The level of formality depends on who you are writing to and how well you know them, so the style may be formal, semi-formal or informal. You are given a brief description of a problem or situation, followed by bulleted instructions on what to include in your letter. Make sure you write about each and every one of the points mentioned. Also use appropriate grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.

It will also help to read through several sample tests in order to both familiarize yourself with the type of situations presented, and to learn how to write these types of letter answers easily, correctly, and quickly. Sample Task 1 tasks include:

  • writing to a college administration officer about problems with your dormitory
  • writing to a landlord to resolve problems with the heating system
  • writing to a friend to invite him/her to a surprise party

You have to write a minimum 250-word essay on a topic of general interest. You might have to solve a problem, present your opinion, or compare differing viewpoints on a given topic.

The usual rules of good essay writing apply. Plan before you write, use varied sentence structure, utilize linking words to connect ideas, use dynamic and rich vocabulary to put your thoughts across, be careful of your spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, and organize your essay into about 4-5 paragraphs. A sample structure is shown below:

Paragraph 1IntroductionRestate the topic, indicate your position
Paragraph 2BodyMain idea, supporting idea, examples
Paragraph 3BodyMain idea, supporting idea, examples
Paragraph 4ConclusionSummarize ideas, restate position

Sample Task 2 tasks include:

  • whether it is possible to take a vacation from your problems
  • whether families today are closer than they used to be.
  • whether smoking in public should be banned
  • whether old people should go to nursing homes

Write as many practice essays as possible, within the 40-minute time limit, so you can do so with ease and confidence on the day of your exam.

Register with us at Unikcolors Media Institute - IELTS Training Centre Kenya via our website www.unikcolors.co.ke
For more information contact us on 0792414617

Author: Vincent
Published on: 2024-07-25 13:52:08
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